Here are some interesting statistics from the recently released Domain Name Industry Brief:
- In the fourth quarter of 2007, there were more than four million domain names registered per month (more than 133,000 new registrations each day)
- New registrations grew by four percent quarter over quarter and by five percent year over year.
- The largest TLDs in terms of base size were .com, .de, .net, .cn, .uk, .org, .info, .eu, .biz and .mobi. (Are there more registered .mobi names than .us names? Another interesting mobile internet statistic here)
- Impressive growth among ccTLDs; .cn, .ru, .es and .tv experienced double digit growth in the fourth quarter compared to the previous quarter.
- In the third quarter of 2007, the registry renewal rate for .com and .net was 74 percent.
- 23% of all .com and .net domains resolve to a parked or “coming soon” page.